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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - plough


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 chiefly British variant of plow
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  n. & v. (esp. US plow) --n. 1 an implement with a cutting blade fixed in a frame drawn by a tractor or by horses, for cutting furrows in the soil and turning it up. 2 an implement resembling this and having a comparable function (snowplough). 3 ploughed land. 4 (the Plough) the constellation Ursa Major or its seven bright stars. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) turn up (the earth) with a plough, esp. before sowing. 2 tr. (foll. by out, up, down, etc.) turn or extract (roots, weeds, etc.) with a plough. 3 tr. furrow or scratch (a surface) as if with a plough. 4 tr. produce (a furrow or line) in this way. 5 intr. (foll. by through) advance laboriously, esp. through work, a book, etc. 6 intr. (foll. by through, into) move like a plough violently. 7 intr. & tr. Brit. colloq. fail in an examination. Phrases and idioms plough back 1 plough (grass etc.) into the soil to enrich it. 2 reinvest (profits) in the business producing them. Plough Monday the first Monday after the Epiphany. put one's hand to the plough undertake a task (Luke 9:62). Derivatives ploughable adj. plougher n. Etymology: OE ploh f. ON pl{oacute}gr f. Gmc PLOUGHMAN n. (pl. -men) a person who uses a plough. Phrases and idioms ploughman's lunch a meal of bread and cheese with pickle or salad. ploughman's spikenard a composite fragrant plant, Inula conyzae, with purplish-yellow flowerheads. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  плуг (дорожный) снегоочиститель шпунтубель ballast plough blade-type snow plough blower-type snow plough brush plough mole plough rotary snow plough snow plough trench plough ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  см. plow ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вспахивать 2) гобель 3) пахать 4) плуг 5) плужный 6) струг 7) струговой center plough cut — клиновой вруб mold boardless plough — безотвальный плуг mounted stubble plough — навесной лущильник trailed stubble plough — прицепной лущильник - balance plough - ballast plough - diagonal plough - excavating plough - marsh plough - plough beam - plough blade - plough body - plough clutch - plough disk - plough face - plough share - plough travel - raise plough - rapid plough - vine-yard plough ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. пахать, бороздить - plough back - plough back profits into reserve PLOUGH 1) плуг 2) токосъемник 3) продвигаться; прокладывать путь – to plough back – to plough into ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. плуг land under the plough —- пашня, пахотная земля to drive the plough —- вести плуг 2. упряжка с плугом 3. сошник 4. струг (для земляных работ) 5. снегоочиститель 6. эл. токоприемник, токосниматель 7. пашня 100 acres of plough —- сто акров пашни 8. сельское хозяйство 9. (the P.) астр. Большая Медведица 10. обрезные тиски (переплетчика) 11. тех. пазник; шпунтгебель Id: to follow the plough —- заниматься сельским хозяйством Id: to put (to set) one's hand to the plough —- взяться за дело (работу) 12. пахать, вспахивать to plough in (into) —- запахивать, пропахивать to plough up —- распахивать, производить подъем пласта to plough up the earth —- взрыхлять землю 13. поддаваться вспашке this land ploughs hard —- эту землю трудно пахать 14. прокладывать борозду 15. оставлять (глубокие) следы jealousy and pride ploughed furrows across her brow —- ревность и гордость избороздили ее чело (морщинами) a face ploughed with wrinkles —- изборожденное морщинами лицо 16. рассекать воду, волны 17. идти, плыть, рассекая волны 18. прогребать (воду - плавание) 19. продвигаться, пробираться с трудом; пролагать, прокладывать путь (также to plough one's way) the river ploughed a course for itself down the valley —- река проложила себе путь по долине he came ploughing through the snow —- он с трудом пробирался по снегу a bullet ploughed through his thigh —- пуля...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  the sands переливать из пустого в порожнее; зря трудиться; заниматься бесполезным делом PLOUGH  1. noun  1) плуг  2) снегоочиститель  3) вспаханное поле, пашня  4) sl. провал (на экзамене)  5) (the Plough) astr. Большая Медведица  6) electr. токосниматель to put ones hand to the plough - взяться за работу  2. v.  1) пахать, вспахивать;  2) поддаваться вспашке; the land ploughs hard after the drought - после засухи землю трудно пахать  3) прокладывать борозду, бороздить  4) пробивать, прокладывать с трудом (тж. plough through); to plough ones way - прокладывать себе путь  5) рассекать (волны)  6) sl. провалиться (на экзамене) - plough back - plough in - plough into - plough out - plough through - plough under - plough up - plough a lonely furrow - plough the sand - plough the sands PLOUGH a lonely furrow одиноко следовать своим собственным путем PLOUGH back  а) запахивать; The farmer ploughed the loose leaves back to enrich the soil.  б) превращать в капитал; We have ploughed back all the profits into methods of increasing trade next year. PLOUGH in запахивать; After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash in. PLOUGH into  а) = plough in  б) coll. горячо браться (за что-л.); If I really plough into my studies now, I should be ready for the examination.  в) coll. врезаться (в кого-л. или во что-л.) с силой; The car turned over twice, and ploughed into a fence. PLOUGH up  а) взрывать, взметать (землю; о снарядах);  б) распахивать; All the fields are now...
Англо-русский словарь
  (ploughs, ploughing, ploughed) Note: in AM, use 'plow' 1. A plough is a large farming tool with sharp blades which is pulled across the soil to turn it over, usually before seeds are planted. N-COUNT see also snowplough 2. When someone ploughs an area of land, they turn over the soil using a plough. They ploughed nearly 100,000 acres of virgin moorland. ...a carefully ploughed field. VERB: V n, V-ed • ploughing In Roman times November was a month of hard work in ploughing and sowing. N-UNCOUNT 3. to plough a furrow: see furrow ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 usuallly plow AmE n 1 a large piece of farm equipment used to turn over the earth so that seeds can be planted 2 under the plough used for growing crops 3 the Plough especially BrE the group of seven bright stars seen only from the northern part of the world; big dipper (2) AmE  (- see also snow plough) ~2 usually plow AmE v 1 to turn over the earth using a plough so that seeds can be planted  (a ploughed field) 2 to move with a lot of effort or force + along/across etc  (The ship ploughed slowly across the bay.) plough sth back phr v to put money that you have earned back into a business in order to make the business bigger and more successful  (Profits from ticket sales are ploughed back into further conservation projects.) plough into sb/sth phr v to hit something hard, especially while driving, because you are going too fast or not paying attention  (I ploughed into the car in front.) plough on phr v to continue doing something that is difficult or boring  (Julia ploughed on through the endless exam papers.) plough through phr v to read all of something, even though it is boring and takes a long time  (After ploughing through all those textbooks, it was a relief to read a novel.) plough sth up phr v to break up the surface of the ground by repeatedly travelling over it  (Horses plough up the paths and make them muddy for walkers.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  or plow through {v. phr.} Pass through laboriously. * /Saw had to plough through hundreds of pages of American history to get ready for his test./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - (see plow). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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